
happy new year!

Well what do you know its another year. I'm happy that I got a chance to live this long and I thank God that I've have the things that I have. You know seeing some host on TV looking 'tow up from the flow up' because he had had that stroke. I realize that life is precious. And i just wanted to thank God that I've lived through 2005 and I'm living to 2006. I know that this is my Graduation year lol so I'm glad I getting a chance to see it. Its weird that you look on your life and you know you've been living for like it seems like a billion years but its only 23. But I look back and reflect on what I did and I don't regret it because I wouldn't be where I am today. Anyway I'm just glad to see the new year in my final days of youth (as a student). lol listen to me sounding all old. hahahahahaha anyway I'm just glad to be alive and I was just talking about college with my mom and I got to thinking that DANG this is my last days of youth and I'm going to miss it. I going to miss everybody when I do go but such is life you know. Ol' well I don't mind I've had fun in my years of glory. It's time for me to step up and be a man. Yes I said it BE A MAN for some of those who don't think I am. But yeah i have to grow up and do things that I have to be responsible for. Its a trip we all must take. And is time to take mine. Anyway just thought I ought to update. See yah!